खान-पान और गठिया (To Control Arthritis Improve Diet) गठिया रोग में जोड़ों में गांठें बन जाती हैं और शूल चुभने जैसी पीड़ा होती है, चलने-फिरने में भी तकलीफ होने लगती है तथा जोड़ों में बहुत दर्द होता है गठिया का मूल कारण: गठिया का मूल कारण है शरीर में यूरिक एसिड की मात्रा का बढ़ जाना, जिसकी वजह से जोड़ों में सूजन आ जाती है। पीड़ित दर्द के कारण ज्यादा चल फिर नहीं सकता, यहां तक कि हिलने-डुलने में भी परेशानी होने लगती है। सबसे पहले इसका असर पैरों के अंगूठे में देखने को मिलता है। इस रोग की सबसे बड़ी पहचान ये है कि रात को जोड़ों का दर्द बढ़ता है और सुबह थकान महसूस होती है। गठिया में परहेज़ आवश्यक होता है इसलिए आपको यह जानना जरुरी है क्या खाएं और क्या नहीं खाएं। गठिया में जड़ों वाली फ़ल सब्जियां काफी लाभप्रद होती हैं , गाजर, शकरकंद और अदरक अच्छा होता है। इनमें प्यूरिन की मात्रा काफी कम होती है। गठिया से पीड़ित व्यक्तियों को ढेर सारा पानी पीनें और तरल पदार्थों का सेवन करने को कहा जाता है, लेकिन अल्कोहल और सॉफ्ट ड्रिंक के सेवन से ...

What Is a Frozen Shoulder?
that affects your shoulder joint. It usually involves pain and stiffness that develops gradually, gets worse and then finally goes away. This can take anywhere from a year to 3 years.
Your shoulder is made up of three bones that form a ball-and-socket joint. They are your upper arm (humerus), shoulder blade (scapula), and collarbone (clavicle). There’s also tissue surrounding your shoulder joint that holds everything together. This is called the shoulder capsule.
With frozen shoulder, the capsule becomes so thick and tight that it’s hard to move. Bands of scar tissue form and there’s less of a liquid called synovial fluid to keep the joint lubricated. These things limit motion even more.
The main symptoms of a frozen shoulder are pain and stiffness that make it difficult or impossible to move it.
If you have frozen shoulder, you’ll likely feel a dull or achy pain in one shoulder. You might also feel the pain in the shoulder muscles that wrap around the top of your arm. You might feel the same sensation in your upper arm. Your pain could get worse at night, which can make it hard to sleep.
You’ll typically go through three phases with a frozen shoulder. Each has its own unique symptoms and timeline.
Freezing stage:
- You develop a pain (sometimes severe) in your shoulder any time you move it.
- It slowly gets worse over time and may hurt more at night.
- This can last anywhere from 6 to 9 months.
- You’re limited in how far you can move your shoulder.
Frozen stage:
- Your pain might get better but your stiffness gets worse.
- Moving your shoulder becomes more difficult and it becomes harder to get through daily activities.
- This stage can last 4-12 months.
Thawing stage:
- Your range of motion starts to go back to normal.
- This can take anywhere from 6 months to 2 years.
It’s not clear why some people develop it, but some groups are more at risk.
Frozen shoulder happens more often in women than men, and you’re more likely to get it if you’re between the ages of 40 and 60. Your risk might also go up if you’re in the process of recovering from a medical condition like a stroke, or surgery like a mastectomy that keeps you from moving your arm.
Certain medical conditions can increase your risk too. You may also be more likely to get frozen shoulder if you have diabetes. About 10% to 20% of people with diabetes get frozen shoulder. Other medical problems like heart disease, thyroid disease, or Parkinson’s disease are linked to frozen shoulder, too.
Over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like aspirinor ibuprofen can help relieve the pain and inflammation in your shoulder. If they don’t help, your doctor might prescribe a stronger medication.
Your treatment might also include going to a physical therapist for strengthening and stretching exercises to improve your range of motion.
If your symptoms are intense or don’t improve over time, your doctor might recommend other kinds of treatments, including:
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